Case study


“Proxima is a brilliant tool!”

How we work together

Proxima has worked with OTT SCITT since May 2022.

OTT is structured into seven hubs across Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Wiltshire. In its most recent inspection, OTT was praised by Ofsted for delivering “a truly exceptional training programme at all levels”, with inspectors noting the “superb preparation for the realities of teaching” trainees receive.

The OTT team incorporates digital approximations within four Intensive Training and Practice units, including related to relationships and routines, scaffolding, effective questioning, and explanations. OTT staff also use Proxima to provide flexible support to trainees completing its part-time programme.

How it’s gone so far

Louise Border, OTT SCITT’s Programme Leader, said:

“Proxima is a brilliant tool that has really allowed us to enhance the quality of the teacher training we deliver. It’s a really safe space for trainee teachers, helping them link the theory of teaching to classroom practice.”

Patrick Garton, OTT SCITT Director, said:

“Proxima allows trainees to immediately contextualise the research and strategies they learn about in centre-based training into a classroom environment. We get immediate feedback on how the trainees are doing and can adjust the support we offer to increase complexity or provide additional scaffolding, as needed.”

What trainees say

Following an Intensive Training and Practice session focused on explanations, trainees said:

“Proxima was so useful in helping us to apply the knowledge we have learnt!”

“It was great to have the opportunity to practise and receive live peer feedback.”

“Proxima is amazing!”