Case study

National Institute of Teaching

"Unlike any other training I've had."

How we work together

Proxima has worked with the National Institute of Teaching since July 2022.

NIoT staff first piloted the use of approximations as part of an Intensive Training and Practice pilot project during the 2022-23 academic year. Proxima is now used within four ITaP units within the NIoT’s Initial Teacher Education programme, including related to routines and relationships, questioning, scaffolding and how pupils learn.

Beyond ITaP, Proxima is used to support training on professional behaviours, including related to safeguarding and supporting pupils with SEND.

The NIoT has also pioneered the use of scenario-based learning beyond Initial Teacher Education, including within its leadership development programmes for system leaders.

How it’s gone so far

Emily Beach, Head of Initial Teacher Education, said:

“Proxima has revolutionised our ITaP delivery. The digital approximations enable our trainees to focus upon and address the granular components of our ITE curriculum, through a practice-based design, within a safe learning environment. Tutors are able to quickly respond to trainees’ feedback and adapt their teaching approach in order to maximise the learning and confidence for the trainee, which we know is precious within the timed restraints of an ITE curriculum.”

Vicki Bolton, an ITE tutor at the NIoT, added:

“As facilitators, Proxima empowers us to see, in real time, how deeply our trainees understand a concept from core training, and, crucially, how confident they are in applying it to real-life teaching scenarios. Proxima also means that we can track trainee understanding of foundational teaching concepts, reinforce high-leverage knowledge, and address misconceptions, as necessary.”

An independent evaluation of the NIoT’s ITaP pilot programme highlighted “pedagogical benefits from the digital approximations relating to their deliberate and focused nature and the immediacy of opportunities to apply learning and receive feedback.” Access the full evaluation report here.

What trainees say

Following an Intensive Training and Practice session focused on behaviour, trainees said:

“The scenarios helped to consolidate my learning and make me think critically about how I should respond.”

“It was so useful to see other responses and get immediate feedback on mine.”

“Having the interactive element be independent work is SO GOOD… unlike any other training I’ve had.”