Case study
"Proxima has been transformational for us."

How we work together
Proxima has worked with the London East Teacher Training Alliance since February 2024.
LETTA’s most recent Ofsted report (2024, Outstanding) concluded that its “trainees receive an exceptional offer, which blends up-to-date and relevant theory with well-planned opportunities to practise what has been learned.”
The LETTA team began working with Proxima to build on this programme strength. LETTA uses Proxima within Intensive Training and Practice units focused on behaviour, scaffolding and questioning, as a practice and formative assessment tool within live training sessions, and asynchronously as a way to provide additional opportunities for practice and reflection.
LETTA also uses approximations within professional behaviours and safeguarding training, and as part of its training offer for mentors.
How it’s gone so far
Anna Beresford, LETTA’s Programme Leader for ITT, said:
“Proxima has been transformational for us. It helps our trainees translate complex theory into practice, without being reductive. As teachers, we have a moral obligation to embrace the challenge of our profession, and Proxima helps us do this in the right way. It’s low entry, but high ceiling.”
Rita Bach, LETTA’s Deputy Programme Leader, said:
“We’ve loved seeing Proxima grow and develop, and we’re genuinely so impressed by its impact. Trainees find it really helpful and easy to use. The simple design of the platform means what you’re paying attention to is the learning – and the concept maps have been a real game-changer!”
What trainees say
Following an Intensive Training and Practice session focused on scaffolding, trainees said:
“Extremely helpful, especially being able to receive feedback and review other answers.”
“Engaging and useful. I felt like I almost accidentally learnt things rather than attempting to force things into my brain…”
“I loved it!”